~reading rains

collective research process and walking ~ listening sonic activation

indocile, a remembrance of the waters of dreams;
rain overflows fixed imaginaries of a commodity, a mere substance: h2o. When rain ceases, traces are left behind.
How may we listen to these traces? what stories have the rains left within us? what does rain(s) tell us? how may we listen to the echoes of rain?

Rain, one of water’s countless manifestations, unveils a further dimension of interconnectivity, exposing glimpses into diverse orders of existence and knowledges, connecting presumably disparate realms, and giving birth to narratives that exceed borders and demarcations between bodies.

activated at
Floating University: Tempelhofer Feld rain basin, Berlin, Germany
 in collaboration with Fluid Ecotonalism ~ Floating University, Irene Trejo, Susanna Gonzo,
Pablo Torres Gomes & Elizabeth Gallón Droste

The research process seeked to deepen awareness of the intricate connections between the symbolic, material, and affective aspects of rain as a liquid ecotone. Conversations and relations with water were fostered by exploring its multiple manifestations and their traces as memories.Stories of merging, relating, resonating, shaping and being shaped by the landing environment:


reading sediments -the rain’s traces- as a dynamic intermediary of guessing and interpreting riddles and dreams; as harvesting, gathering and collecting stories.

listen as a raindrop.

sonic remembrances of the experiences and process were shared and weaved together into a collective score leaking through the basin’s rifts; a compos(t)ed sonic hydrocartography as listening session, where the multiple expressions of water’s presence and absence were comprehended through this process, leading to collaborative sensing and sounds of possible futures. The piece harvests and composts these watery stories, diluting together through semi-generative binaural audio processes activated while walking in the basin, re-creating ever-morphing rainy soundscapes.